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Inference model for the SAM2 model.

Sam2Model(name, provider, predictor, torch_dtype='bfloat16', config={})

Bases: BaseInferenceModel

Inference model for the SAM2 model.


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name of the model.

provider str

Provider of the model.

predictor Any

The SAM2 image predictor.

torch_dtype Literal['float32', 'float16', 'bfloat16']

The torch data type to use for inference.

config dict[str, Any]

Configuration for the model.

Source code in pixano_inference/models/
def __init__(
    name: str,
    provider: str,
    predictor: Any,
    torch_dtype: Literal["float32", "float16", "bfloat16"] = "bfloat16",
    config: dict[str, Any] = {},
    """Initialize the model.

        name: Name of the model.
        provider: Provider of the model.
        predictor: The SAM2 image predictor.
        torch_dtype: The torch data type to use for inference.
        config: Configuration for the model.

    super().__init__(name, provider)
    match torch_dtype:
        case "float32":
            self.torch_dtype = torch.float32
        case "float16":
            self.torch_dtype = torch.float16
        case "bfloat16":
            self.torch_dtype = torch.bfloat16
        case _:
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid torch_dtype: {torch_dtype}")
    self.predictor: SAM2ImagePredictor | SAM2VideoPredictor = predictor
    self.config = config

metadata property

Return the metadata of the model.


Delete the model.

Source code in pixano_inference/models/
def delete(self) -> None:
    """Delete the model."""
    del self.predictor

image_mask_generation(image, points, labels, boxes, multimask_output=True, num_multimask_outputs=3, return_image_embedding=False, **kwargs)

Generate masks from the image.


Name Type Description Default
image ndarray | Image

Image for the generation.

points list[list[list[int]]] | None

Points for the mask generation. The first dimension is the number of prompts, the second the number of points per mask and the third the coordinates of the points.

labels list[list[int]] | None

Labels for the mask generation. The first dimension is the number of prompts, the second the number of labels per mask.

boxes list[list[int]] | None

Boxes for the mask generation. The first dimension is the number of prompts, the second the coordinates of the boxes.

multimask_output bool

Whether to generate multiple masks per prediction.

num_multimask_outputs int

Number of masks to generate per prediction.

return_image_embedding bool

Whether to return the image embedding and high-resolution features.

kwargs Any

Additional keyword arguments.

Source code in pixano_inference/models/
def image_mask_generation(
    image: np.ndarray | Image,
    points: list[list[list[int]]] | None,
    labels: list[list[int]] | None,
    boxes: list[list[int]] | None,
    multimask_output: bool = True,
    num_multimask_outputs: int = 3,
    return_image_embedding: bool = False,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> ImageMaskGenerationOutput:
    """Generate masks from the image.

        image: Image for the generation.
        points: Points for the mask generation. The first dimension is the number of prompts, the
            second the number of points per mask and the third the coordinates of the points.
        labels: Labels for the mask generation. The first dimension is the number of prompts, the second
            the number of labels per mask.
        boxes: Boxes for the mask generation. The first dimension is the number of prompts, the second
            the coordinates of the boxes.
        multimask_output: Whether to generate multiple masks per prediction.
        num_multimask_outputs: Number of masks to generate per prediction.
        return_image_embedding: Whether to return the image embedding and high-resolution features.
        kwargs: Additional keyword arguments.
    # Check the input list types
    with torch.inference_mode():
        if not isinstance(image, (np.ndarray, Image)):
            raise ValueError("The image should be an numpy array or a PIL image.")
        if (
            points is not None
            and not isinstance(points, list)
            and not all(isinstance(point, list) for point in points)
            raise ValueError("The points should be a list of lists.")
        if (
            labels is not None
            and not isinstance(labels, list)
            and not all(isinstance(label, list) for label in labels)
            raise ValueError("The labels should be a list of lists.")
        if boxes is not None and not isinstance(boxes, list):
            if not all(isinstance(box, list) for box in boxes):
                raise ValueError("The boxes should be a list of lists.")

        if multimask_output and not (num_multimask_outputs == 3):
            raise ValueError("The number of multimask outputs is not configurable for Sam2 and must be 3.")

        # Check the input batch size
        if points is None and labels is not None:
            raise ValueError("Labels are not supported without points.")
        if points is not None and labels is not None:
            if len(points) != len(labels):
                raise ValueError("The number of points and labels should match.")
        if points is not None and boxes is not None:
            if len(points) != len(boxes):
                raise ValueError("The number of points and boxes should match.")

        # Check the input shapes and value types
        if points is not None:
            for prompt_point in points:
                for points_in_mask in prompt_point:
                    if len(points_in_mask) != 2:
                        raise ValueError("Each point should have 2 coordinates.")
                    if not all(isinstance(point, int) for point in points_in_mask):
                        raise ValueError("Each point should be an integer.")
        if labels is not None:
            for i, prompt_label in enumerate(labels):
                if len(prompt_label) != len(points[i]):  # type: ignore[index]
                    raise ValueError("The number of labels should match the number of points.")

                if not all(isinstance(label, int) for label in prompt_label):
                    raise ValueError("Each label should be an integer.")
        if boxes is not None:
            for prompt_box in boxes:
                if len(prompt_box) != 4:
                    raise ValueError("Each box should have 4 coordinates.")
                if not all(isinstance(box, int) for box in prompt_box):
                    raise ValueError("Each box should be an integer.")

        # Convert inputs to numpy arrays
        if points is not None:
            np_points = [np.array(prompt_points, dtype=np.int32) for prompt_points in points]
        if labels is not None:
            np_labels = [np.array(prompt_labels, dtype=np.int32) for prompt_labels in labels]
        if boxes is not None:
            boxes = np.array(boxes, dtype=np.int32)

        if points is not None:
            # Pad the points and labels to the same length
            # =============================================================================
            # From Hugging Face's implementation (Apache-2.0 License):
            expected_nb_points = max([point.shape[0] for point in np_points])
            processed_points = []
            for i, point in enumerate(np_points):
                if point.shape[0] != expected_nb_points:
                    point = np.concatenate(
                        [point, np.zeros((expected_nb_points - point.shape[0], 2)) + -10], axis=0
                    if labels is not None:
                        np_labels[i] = np.append(np_labels[i], [-10])
            # =============================================================================
            np_points = np.array(processed_points)

        input_points = np_points if points is not None else None
        input_labels = np.array(np_labels) if labels is not None else None

        with torch.autocast(self.predictor.device.type, dtype=self.torch_dtype):
            if not self.predictor._is_image_set:

            masks, scores, _ = self.predictor.predict(

            if len(masks.shape) == 3:
                masks = np.expand_dims(masks, 0)
                scores = np.expand_dims(scores, 0)

            if return_image_embedding:
                image_embedding: Tensor = self.predictor._features["image_embed"]
                image_embedding_list =
                high_resolution_features: list[Tensor] = self.predictor._features["high_res_feats"]
                high_resolution_features_list = [
           for features in high_resolution_features
                image_embedding_ndarray = NDArrayFloat(
                    values=image_embedding_list, shape=image_embedding.shape[1:]
                high_resolution_features_ndarray = [
                    NDArrayFloat(values=features_list, shape=features.shape[1:])
                    for features, features_list in zip(high_resolution_features, high_resolution_features_list)
                image_embedding_ndarray = None
                high_resolution_features_ndarray = None

            masks = ImageMaskGenerationOutput(
                    [CompressedRLE.from_mask(mask.astype(np.uint8)) for mask in prediction_masks]
                    for prediction_masks in masks
            return masks

init_video_state(video, offload_video_to_cpu=False, offload_state_to_cpu=False)

Initialize an inference state.

Source code in pixano_inference/models/
def init_video_state(
    video: bytes | Path | list[str] | list[Path],
    """Initialize an inference state."""
    with torch.inference_mode():
        ## Adapted from Sam2 Repository (Apache License, Version 2.0)

        compute_device = self.predictor.device  # device of the model

        if isinstance(video, bytes) or isinstance(video, Path) and video.is_file():
            images, video_height, video_width = load_video_frames(
        elif isinstance(video, list) or isinstance(video, Path) and video.is_dir():
            if isinstance(video, Path):
                frames: list[str] | list[Path] = sorted([f for f in video.glob("**/*.jpg") if f.is_file()])
                frames = video
            images, video_height, video_width = self.load_video_frames_from_images(
            raise ValueError("Unknown video type.")

        inference_state = {}
        inference_state["images"] = images
        inference_state["num_frames"] = len(images)
        # whether to offload the video frames to CPU memory
        # turning on this option saves the GPU memory with only a very small overhead
        inference_state["offload_video_to_cpu"] = offload_video_to_cpu
        # whether to offload the inference state to CPU memory
        # turning on this option saves the GPU memory at the cost of a lower tracking fps
        # (e.g. in a test case of 768x768 model, fps dropped from 27 to 24 when tracking one object
        # and from 24 to 21 when tracking two objects)
        inference_state["offload_state_to_cpu"] = offload_state_to_cpu
        # the original video height and width, used for resizing final output scores
        inference_state["video_height"] = video_height
        inference_state["video_width"] = video_width
        inference_state["device"] = compute_device
        if offload_state_to_cpu:
            inference_state["storage_device"] = torch.device("cpu")
            inference_state["storage_device"] = compute_device
        # inputs on each frame
        inference_state["point_inputs_per_obj"] = {}
        inference_state["mask_inputs_per_obj"] = {}
        # visual features on a small number of recently visited frames for quick interactions
        inference_state["cached_features"] = {}
        # values that don't change across frames (so we only need to hold one copy of them)
        inference_state["constants"] = {}
        # mapping between client-side object id and model-side object index
        inference_state["obj_id_to_idx"] = OrderedDict()
        inference_state["obj_idx_to_id"] = OrderedDict()
        inference_state["obj_ids"] = []
        # Slice (view) of each object tracking results, sharing the same memory with "output_dict"
        inference_state["output_dict_per_obj"] = {}
        # A temporary storage to hold new outputs when user interact with a frame
        # to add clicks or mask (it's merged into "output_dict" before propagation starts)
        inference_state["temp_output_dict_per_obj"] = {}
        # Frames that already holds consolidated outputs from click or mask inputs
        # (we directly use their consolidated outputs during tracking)
        # metadata for each tracking frame (e.g. which direction it's tracked)
        inference_state["frames_tracked_per_obj"] = {}
        # Warm up the visual backbone and cache the image feature on frame 0
        self.predictor._get_image_feature(inference_state, frame_idx=0, batch_size=1)
        return inference_state

load_video_frames_from_images(frames, image_size, offload_video_to_cpu, compute_device, images_mean=(0.485, 0.456, 0.406), images_std=(0.229, 0.224, 0.225))

Load the video frames from a directory of JPEG files (".jpg" format).

The frames are resized to image_size x image_size and are loaded to GPU if offload_video_to_cpu is False and to CPU if offload_video_to_cpu is True.

Source code in pixano_inference/models/
def load_video_frames_from_images(
    frames: list[str] | list[Path],
    image_size: int,
    offload_video_to_cpu: bool,
    compute_device: "torch.device",
    images_mean: tuple[float, float, float] = (0.485, 0.456, 0.406),
    images_std: tuple[float, float, float] = (0.229, 0.224, 0.225),
) -> tuple[Tensor, int, int]:
    """Load the video frames from a directory of JPEG files ("<frame_index>.jpg" format).

    The frames are resized to image_size x image_size and are loaded to GPU if
    `offload_video_to_cpu` is `False` and to CPU if `offload_video_to_cpu` is `True`.
    ## Adapted from Sam2 Repository (Apache License, Version 2.0)
    num_frames = len(frames)
    if num_frames == 0:
        raise RuntimeError(f"no images found in {frames}")
    device = torch.device("cpu") if offload_video_to_cpu else compute_device

    images_mean = torch.tensor(images_mean, dtype=torch.float32, device=device)[:, None, None]
    images_std = torch.tensor(images_std, dtype=torch.float32, device=device)[:, None, None]

    torch_images = torch.zeros(num_frames, 3, image_size, image_size, dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
    for n, image in enumerate(tqdm(frames, desc="frame loading")):
        pil_image = convert_string_to_image(image)
        video_height = pil_image.height
        video_width = pil_image.width
        torch_images[n] = convert_image_pil_to_tensor(image=pil_image, size=image_size, device=device)

    torch_images -= images_mean
    torch_images /= images_std
    return torch_images, video_height, video_width

set_image_embeddings(image, image_embedding, high_resolution_features)

Calculates the image embeddings for the provided image.

Adapted from (Apache-2.0 License).


Name Type Description Default
image ndarray | 'Tensor' | Image

The input image to embed in RGB format. The image should be in HWC format if np.ndarray, or WHC format if PIL Image with or CHW format if torch.Tensor.

image_embedding Tensor

The image embedding tensor.

high_resolution_features Tensor

The high-resolution features tensor.

Source code in pixano_inference/models/
def set_image_embeddings(
    image: np.ndarray | "Tensor" | Image,
    image_embedding: Tensor,
    high_resolution_features: Tensor,
) -> None:
    """Calculates the image embeddings for the provided image.

    Adapted from
    (Apache-2.0 License).

        image: The input image to embed in RGB format. The image should be in HWC format if np.ndarray, or WHC
            format if PIL Image with or CHW format if torch.Tensor.
        image_embedding: The image embedding tensor.
        high_resolution_features: The high-resolution features tensor.
    with torch.inference_mode():
        # Transform the image to the form expected by the model
        if isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
            self.predictor._orig_hw = [image.shape[:2]]
        elif isinstance(image, Tensor):
            self.predictor._orig_hw = [image.shape[-2:]]
        elif isinstance(image, Image):
            w, h = image.size
            self.predictor._orig_hw = [(h, w)]
            raise NotImplementedError("Image format not supported")

        self.predictor._features = {
            "image_embed": image_embedding.unsqueeze(0).to(device=self.predictor.model.device),
            "high_res_feats": [
                for features in high_resolution_features
        self.predictor._is_image_set = True

video_mask_generation(video, objects_ids, frame_indexes, points=None, labels=None, boxes=None, propagate=False, **kwargs)

Generate masks from the video.


Name Type Description Default
video bytes | Path | list[str] | list[Path]

Video data as a video file or a list of frames files.

objects_ids list[int]

IDs of the objects to generate masks for.

frame_indexes list[int]

Indexes of the frames where the objects are located.

points list[list[list[int]]] | None

Points for the mask generation. The first fimension is the number of objects, the second the number of points for each object and the third the coordinates of the points.

labels list[list[int]] | None

Labels for the mask generation. The first fimension is the number of objects, the second the number of labels for each object.

boxes list[list[int]] | None

Boxes for the mask generation. The first fimension is the number of objects, the second the coordinates of the boxes.

propagate bool

Whether to propagate the masks in the video.

kwargs Any

Additional keyword arguments.



Type Description

Output of the generation.

Source code in pixano_inference/models/
def video_mask_generation(
    video: bytes | Path | list[str] | list[Path],
    objects_ids: list[int],
    frame_indexes: list[int],
    points: list[list[list[int]]] | None = None,
    labels: list[list[int]] | None = None,
    boxes: list[list[int]] | None = None,
    propagate: bool = False,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> VideoMaskGenerationOutput:
    """Generate masks from the video.

        video: Video data as a video file or a list of frames files.
        objects_ids: IDs of the objects to generate masks for.
        frame_indexes: Indexes of the frames where the objects are located.
        points: Points for the mask generation. The first fimension is the number of objects, the
            second the number of points for each object and the third the coordinates of the points.
        labels: Labels for the mask generation. The first fimension is the number of objects, the second
            the number of labels for each object.
        boxes: Boxes for the mask generation. The first fimension is the number of objects, the second
            the coordinates of the boxes.
        propagate: Whether to propagate the masks in the video.
        kwargs: Additional keyword arguments.

        Output of the generation.
    # Check the input list types
    with torch.inference_mode():
        if (
            points is not None
            and not isinstance(points, list)
            and not all(isinstance(point, list) for point in points)
            raise ValueError("The points should be a list of lists.")
        if (
            labels is not None
            and not isinstance(labels, list)
            and not all(isinstance(label, list) for label in labels)
            raise ValueError("The labels should be a list of lists.")
        if boxes is not None and not isinstance(boxes, list):
            if not all(isinstance(box, list) for box in boxes):
                raise ValueError("The boxes should be a list of lists.")

        # Check the input batch size
        if points is None and labels is not None:
            raise ValueError("Labels are not supported without points.")
        if points is not None and labels is not None:
            if len(points) != len(labels):
                raise ValueError("The number of points and labels should match.")
        if points is not None and boxes is not None:
            if len(points) != len(boxes):
                raise ValueError("The number of points and boxes should match.")

        # Check the input shapes and value types
        if points is not None:
            for prompt_point in points:
                for points_in_mask in prompt_point:
                    if len(points_in_mask) != 2:
                        raise ValueError("Each point should have 2 coordinates.")
                    if not all(isinstance(point, int) for point in points_in_mask):
                        raise ValueError("Each point should be an integer.")
        if labels is not None:
            for i, prompt_label in enumerate(labels):
                if len(prompt_label) != len(points[i]):  # type: ignore[index]
                    raise ValueError("The number of labels should match the number of points.")

                if not all(isinstance(label, int) for label in prompt_label):
                    raise ValueError("Each label should be an integer.")
        if boxes is not None:
            for prompt_box in boxes:
                if len(prompt_box) != 4:
                    raise ValueError("Each box should have 4 coordinates.")
                if not all(isinstance(box, int) for box in prompt_box):
                    raise ValueError("Each box should be an integer.")

        # Convert inputs to numpy arrays
        if points is not None:
            input_points = [np.array(prompt_points, dtype=np.int32) for prompt_points in points]
            input_points = [None for _ in objects_ids]
        if labels is not None:
            input_labels = [np.array(prompt_labels, dtype=np.int32) for prompt_labels in labels]
            input_labels = [None for _ in objects_ids]
        if boxes is not None:
            input_boxes = [np.array(box, dtype=np.int32) for box in boxes]
            input_boxes = [None for _ in objects_ids]

        video_segments: dict[int, dict[int, np.ndarray]] = {}
        with torch.autocast(self.predictor.device.type, dtype=self.torch_dtype):
            inference_state = self.init_video_state(
            for object_id, object_frame_index, object_points, object_labels, object_boxes in zip(
                objects_ids, frame_indexes, input_points, input_labels, input_boxes
                _, out_obj_ids, out_mask_logits = self.predictor.add_new_points_or_box(

                if not propagate:
                    video_segments[object_frame_index] = {
                        out_obj_id: (out_mask_logits[i] > 0.0).cpu().numpy()
                        for i, out_obj_id in enumerate(out_obj_ids)

            if propagate:
                video_segments = {}  # video_segments contains the per-frame segmentation results
                for out_frame_idx, out_obj_ids, out_mask_logits in self.predictor.propagate_in_video(
                    video_segments[out_frame_idx] = {
                        out_obj_id: (out_mask_logits[i] > 0.0).cpu().numpy()
                        for i, out_obj_id in enumerate(out_obj_ids)

        out_objects_ids = []
        out_frame_indexes = []
        out_masks = []

        for frame_index, object_masks in video_segments.items():
            for object_id, mask in object_masks.items():

        return VideoMaskGenerationOutput(
            masks=[CompressedRLE.from_mask(mask[0].astype(np.uint8)) for mask in out_masks],