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Pydantic models for mask generation task.


Bases: BaseModel

Input for mask generation.


Name Type Description
video str | Path | list[str] | list[Path]

Can be a path to the video or list of paths to the frames or a base64 encoded video or a list of base64 encoded frames.

points list[list[list[int]]] | None

Points for the mask generation. The first fimension is the number of objects the second the number of points for each object and the third the coordinates of the points.

labels list[list[int]] | None

Labels for the mask generation. The first fimension is the number of objects, the second the number of labels for each object.

boxes list[list[int]] | None

Boxes for the mask generation. The first fimension is the number of objects, the second the coordinates of the boxes.

objects_ids list[int]

IDs of the objects to generate masks for.

frame_indexes list[int]

Indexes of the frames where the objects are located.


Bases: BaseModel

Output for mask generation.


Name Type Description
objects_ids list[int]

IDs of the objects.

frame_indexes list[int]

Indexes of the frames where the objects are located.

masks list[CompressedRLE]

Masks for the objects.


Bases: BaseRequest, VideoMaskGenerationInput

Request for mask generation.


Convert the request to the input.

Source code in pixano_inference/pydantic/tasks/video/
def to_input(self) -> VideoMaskGenerationInput:
    """Convert the request to the input."""
    return self.to_base_model(VideoMaskGenerationInput)


Bases: BaseResponse

Response for mask generation.


Name Type Description
data VideoMaskGenerationOutput

Output of the generation.