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Get the Pixano inference client from the settings.

Source code in pixano/app/routers/inference/
def get_client_from_settings(settings: Settings) -> PixanoInferenceClient:
    """Get the Pixano inference client from the settings."""
    client = settings.pixano_inference_client
    if client is None:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="PixanoInferenceClient not set in settings")
    return client

get_model_source(dataset, model)

Get the model's source from a given Dataset and Model.

If it exists in the database already it returns that one otherwise creates a new instance.

Source code in pixano/app/routers/inference/
def get_model_source(dataset: Dataset, model: str):
    """Get the model's source from a given Dataset and Model.

    If it exists in the database already it returns that one otherwise creates a new instance.
    sources: list[Source] = dataset.get_data(table_name="source", limit=2, where=f"name='{model}' AND kind='model'")
    # TODO: enforce check consistency for source to have a unique name instead of checking here.
    if len(sources) > 1:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Only one source for model is allowed.")
    elif len(sources) == 0:
        source = Source(id=shortuuid.uuid(), name=model, kind="model")
        dataset.add_data("source", data=[source])
        source = sources[0]
    return source