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DatasetBuilder(target_dir, dataset_item, info)

Bases: ABC

Abstract base class for dataset builders.

To build a dataset, inherit from this class, implement the generate_data method and launch the build method.


Name Type Description
target_dir Path

The target directory for the dataset.

previews_path Path

The path to the previews directory.

info DatasetInfo

Dataset information (name, description, ...).

dataset_schema DatasetSchema

The schema of the dataset.

schemas dict[str, type[BaseSchema]]

The schemas of the dataset tables.

db DBConnection

The connection to the LanceDB database of the dataset.


Name Type Description Default
target_dir Path | str

The target directory for the dataset.

dataset_item type[DatasetItem]

The dataset item schema.

info DatasetInfo

Dataset information (name, description, ...).

Source code in pixano/datasets/builders/
def __init__(
    target_dir: Path | str,
    dataset_item: type[DatasetItem],
    info: DatasetInfo,
    """Initialize a DatasetBuilder instance.

        target_dir: The target directory for the dataset.
        dataset_item: The dataset item schema.
        info: Dataset information (name, description, ...).
    self.target_dir: Path = Path(target_dir)
    self.previews_path: Path = self.target_dir / Dataset._PREVIEWS_PATH DatasetInfo = info
    self.dataset_schema: DatasetSchema = dataset_item.to_dataset_schema()
    self.schemas: dict[str, type[BaseSchema]] = self.dataset_schema.schemas

    self.db: lancedb.DBConnection = lancedb.connect(self.target_dir / Dataset._DB_PATH)

item_schema property

The item schema for the dataset.

item_schema_name property

The item schema name for the dataset.


Add a ground truth source to the dataset.


Name Type Description Default
metadata str | dict[str, Any]

Metadata of the ground truth source.



Type Description

The id of the ground truth source.

Source code in pixano/datasets/builders/
def add_ground_truth_source(self, metadata: str | dict[str, Any] = {}) -> str:
    """Add a ground truth source to the dataset.

        metadata: Metadata of the ground truth source.

        The id of the ground truth source.
    return self.add_source(
        id=SourceKind.GROUND_TRUTH.value, name="Ground Truth", kind=SourceKind.GROUND_TRUTH, metadata=metadata

add_source(name, kind, metadata={}, id='')

Add a source to the dataset.


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name of the source.

kind str | SourceKind

Kind of source.

metadata str | dict[str, Any]

Metadata of the source. If a dict is provided, it is converted to a JSON string.

id str

The id of the source. If not provided, a random id is generated.



Type Description

The id of the source.

Source code in pixano/datasets/builders/
def add_source(
    name: str,
    kind: str | SourceKind,
    metadata: str | dict[str, Any] = {},
    id: str = "",
) -> str:
    """Add a source to the dataset.

        name: Name of the source.
        kind: Kind of source.
        metadata: Metadata of the source. If a dict is provided, it is converted to a JSON string.
        id: The id of the source. If not provided, a random id is generated.

        The id of the source.
    if id == "":
        id = shortuuid.uuid()
    if isinstance(kind, str):
        kind = SourceKind(kind)
    self.db.open_table("source").add([Source(id=id, name=name, kind=kind.value, metadata=metadata)])
    return id

build(mode='create', flush_every_n_samples=None, compact_every_n_transactions=None, check_integrity='raise')

Build the dataset.

It generates data from the source directory and insert them in the tables of the database.


Name Type Description Default
mode Literal['add', 'create', 'overwrite']

The mode for creating the tables in the database. The mode can be "create", "overwrite" or "add": - "create": Create the tables in the database. If the tables already exist, an error is raised. - "overwrite": Overwrite the tables in the database. - "add": Append to the tables in the database.

flush_every_n_samples int | None

The number of samples accumulated from generate_data before they are flushed in tables. The counter is per table. If None, data are inserted at each iteration.

compact_every_n_transactions int | None

The number of transactions before compacting each table. If None, the dataset is compacted only at the end.

check_integrity Literal['raise', 'warn', 'none']

The integrity check to perform after building the dataset. It can be "raise", "warn" or "none": - "raise": Raise an error if integrity errors are found. - "warn": Print a warning if integrity errors are found. - "none": Do not check integrity.



Type Description

The built dataset.

Source code in pixano/datasets/builders/
def build(
    mode: Literal["add", "create", "overwrite"] = "create",
    flush_every_n_samples: int | None = None,
    compact_every_n_transactions: int | None = None,
    check_integrity: Literal["raise", "warn", "none"] = "raise",
) -> Dataset:
    """Build the dataset.

    It generates data from the source directory and insert them in the tables of the database.

        mode: The mode for creating the tables in the database.
            The mode can be "create", "overwrite" or "add":
                - "create": Create the tables in the database. If the tables already exist, an error is raised.
                - "overwrite": Overwrite the tables in the database.
                - "add": Append to the tables in the database.
        flush_every_n_samples: The number of samples accumulated from `generate_data` before they are
            flushed in tables. The counter is per table. If None, data are inserted at each iteration.
        compact_every_n_transactions: The number of transactions before compacting each table.
            If None, the dataset is compacted only at the end.
        check_integrity: The integrity check to perform after building the dataset. It can be "raise",
            "warn" or "none":
                - "raise": Raise an error if integrity errors are found.
                - "warn": Print a warning if integrity errors are found.
                - "none": Do not check integrity.

        The built dataset.
    if mode not in ["add", "create", "overwrite"]:
        raise ValueError(f"mode should be 'add', 'create' or 'overwrite' but got {mode}")
    if check_integrity not in ["raise", "warn", "none"]:
        raise ValueError(f"check_integrity should be 'raise', 'warn' or 'none' but got {check_integrity}")
    if flush_every_n_samples is not None and flush_every_n_samples <= 0:
        raise ValueError(f"flush_every_n_samples should be greater than 0 but got {flush_every_n_samples}")
    if compact_every_n_transactions is not None and compact_every_n_transactions <= 0:
        raise ValueError(
            f"compact_every_n_transactions should be greater than 0 but got {compact_every_n_transactions}"

    if mode == "add":
        tables = self.open_tables()
        tables = self.create_tables(mode)

    # accumulate items to insert in tables
    accumulate_data_tables: dict[str, list] = {table_name: [] for table_name in tables.keys()}
    # count transactions per table
    transactions_per_table: dict[str, int] = {table_name: 0 for table_name in tables.keys()}

    print("Building dataset...")
    for items in tqdm.tqdm(self.generate_data(), desc="Generate data"):
        # assert that items have keys that are in tables
        for table_name, item_value in items.items():
            if item_value is None or item_value == []:
            if table_name not in tables:
                raise KeyError(f"Table {table_name} not found in tables")

            accumulate_data_tables[table_name].extend(item_value if isinstance(item_value, list) else [item_value])

            # make transaction every n iterations per table
            if len(accumulate_data_tables[table_name]) > 0 and (
                flush_every_n_samples is None
                or len(accumulate_data_tables[table_name]) % flush_every_n_samples == 0
                table = tables[table_name]
                transactions_per_table[table_name] += 1
                accumulate_data_tables[table_name] = []

            # compact dataset every n transactions per table
            if (
                compact_every_n_transactions is not None
                and transactions_per_table[table_name] % compact_every_n_transactions == 0
                and transactions_per_table[table_name] > 0

    # make transaction for final batch
    for table_name, table in tables.items():
        if len(accumulate_data_tables[table_name]) > 0:

    # save info.json = shortuuid.uuid() if == "" else / Dataset._INFO_FILE)

    print(f"Dataset built in {self.target_dir} with id {}")

    # save features_values.json
    # TMP: empty now
    DatasetFeaturesValues().to_json(self.target_dir / Dataset._FEATURES_VALUES_FILE)

    # remove previous schema.json if any
    if (self.target_dir / Dataset._SCHEMA_FILE).exists():
        (self.target_dir / Dataset._SCHEMA_FILE).unlink()
    # save schema.json
    self.dataset_schema.to_json(self.target_dir / Dataset._SCHEMA_FILE)

    dataset = Dataset(self.target_dir)

    if check_integrity != "none":
        print("Checking dataset integrity...")
        handle_integrity_errors(check_dataset_integrity(dataset), raise_or_warn=check_integrity)

    print("Dataset built successfully.")
    return dataset


Compact the dataset by calling compact_table for each table in the database.

Source code in pixano/datasets/builders/
def compact_dataset(self) -> None:
    """Compact the dataset by calling `compact_table` for each table in the database."""
    for table_name in self.schemas.keys():


Compact a table by cleaning up old versions and compacting files.


Name Type Description Default
table_name str

The name of the table to compact.

Source code in pixano/datasets/builders/
def compact_table(self, table_name: str) -> None:
    """Compact a table by cleaning up old versions and compacting files.

        table_name: The name of the table to compact.
    table = self.db.open_table(table_name)
        target_rows_per_fragment=1048576, max_rows_per_group=1024, materialize_deletions=False, num_threads=None
    table.cleanup_old_versions(older_than=timedelta(days=0), delete_unverified=True)


Create tables in the database.


Type Description
dict[str, Table]

The tables in the database.

Source code in pixano/datasets/builders/
def create_tables(
    mode: Literal["create", "overwrite"] = "create",
) -> dict[str, Table]:
    """Create tables in the database.

        The tables in the database.
    tables = {}
    for key, schema in self.schemas.items():
        self.db.create_table(key, schema=schema, mode=mode)

        tables[key] = self.db.open_table(key)
    self.db.create_table("source", schema=Source, mode=mode)
    tables["source"] = self.db.open_table("source")

    return tables

generate_data() abstractmethod

Generate data from the source directory.

It should yield a dictionary with keys corresponding to the table names and values corresponding to the data.

It must be implemented in the subclass.


Type Description
Iterator[dict[str, BaseSchema | list[BaseSchema]]]

An iterator over the data following the dataset schemas.

Source code in pixano/datasets/builders/
def generate_data(self) -> Iterator[dict[str, BaseSchema | list[BaseSchema]]]:
    """Generate data from the source directory.

    It should yield a dictionary with keys corresponding to the table names and values corresponding to the data.

    It must be implemented in the subclass.

        An iterator over the data following the dataset schemas.
    raise NotImplementedError


Open the tables in the database.


Type Description
dict[str, Table]

The tables in the database.

Source code in pixano/datasets/builders/
def open_tables(self) -> dict[str, Table]:
    """Open the tables in the database.

        The tables in the database.
    tables = {}
    for key in self.schemas.keys():
        tables[key] = self.db.open_table(key)
    tables["source"] = self.db.open_table("source")

    return tables