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Bases: Enum

Integrity check types.


Name Type Description

Check if the id field is defined.


Check if the id field is unique.


Check if the ref name is defined in the schema.


Check if the ref type is defined in the schema.


Check if the ref id is stored in the referenced table.


Check the integrity of a dataset.


Name Type Description Default
dataset Dataset

Dataset to check.



Type Description
List of errors as tuples with the following values

Check type.


Table name.


Field name that caused the error.


Schema id that raised the error.


Field value that caused the error.

Source code in pixano/datasets/utils/
def check_dataset_integrity(dataset: "Dataset") -> list[tuple[IntegrityCheck, str, str, str, Any]]:
    """Check the integrity of a dataset.

        dataset: Dataset to check.

        List of errors as tuples with the following values:
        - check_type: Check type.
        - table: Table name.
        - field_name: Field name that caused the error.
        - schema_id: Schema id that raised the error.
        - field: Field value that caused the error.
    check_errors: list[tuple[IntegrityCheck, str, str, str, Any]] = []
    for table_name in dataset.schema.schemas.keys():
        check_errors.extend(check_table_integrity(table_name, dataset))
    return check_errors

check_table_integrity(table_name, dataset, schemas=None, updating=False, ignore_checks=None)

Check the integrity of schemas against a table.


Name Type Description Default
table_name str

Table name.

dataset Dataset

Dataset that contains the table.

schemas list[BaseSchema] | None

List of schemas to insert in table. If None, the table is checked, otherwise the schemas are checked against the table.

updating bool

If True, the table is being updated. It is used to avoid checking the id uniqueness when updating schemas.

ignore_checks list[IntegrityCheck] | None

List of integrity checks to ignore.



Type Description
List of errors as tuples with the following values

Check type.


Table name.


Field name that caused the error.


Schema id that raised the error.


Field value that caused the error.

Source code in pixano/datasets/utils/
def check_table_integrity(
    table_name: str,
    dataset: "Dataset",
    schemas: list[BaseSchema] | None = None,
    updating: bool = False,
    ignore_checks: list[IntegrityCheck] | None = None,
) -> list[tuple[IntegrityCheck, str, str, str, Any]]:
    """Check the integrity of schemas against a table.

        table_name: Table name.
        dataset: Dataset that contains the table.
        schemas: List of schemas to insert in table. If None, the table is checked, otherwise the schemas are checked
            against the table.
        updating: If True, the table is being updated. It is used to avoid checking the id uniqueness when updating
        ignore_checks: List of integrity checks to ignore.

        List of errors as tuples with the following values:
        - check_type: Check type.
        - table: Table name.
        - field_name: Field name that caused the error.
        - schema_id: Schema id that raised the error.
        - field: Field value that caused the error.
    table = dataset.open_table(table_name)

    if ignore_checks is not None:
        ignore_checks_set: set[IntegrityCheck] = {IntegrityCheck(check) for check in ignore_checks}
        ignore_checks_set = set()
    table_schema = Source if table_name == "source" else dataset.schema.schemas[table_name]

    checking_table = schemas is None
    if schemas is None:
        if updating:
            raise ValueError("schemas must be provided when updating a table.")
        table_schema = cast(BaseSchema, table_schema)
        fields_to_check = ["id"] + [
            for field_name, field in table_schema.model_fields.items()
            if field_name != "id"
            and not isinstance(field.annotation, GenericAlias)
            and is_schema_ref(field.annotation)
        model = create_model(
            **{field_name: (table_schema.model_fields[field_name].annotation, ...) for field_name in fields_to_check},
        schemas = TableQueryBuilder(table).select(fields_to_check).to_pydantic(model)

    table_ids = [ for schema in schemas]
    count_ids: dict[str, int] = {}
    for id in table_ids:
        count_ids[id] = count_ids.get(id, 0) + 1
    integrity_checks = get_integry_checks_from_schemas(schemas, table_name)
    check_errors: dict[str, tuple[IntegrityCheck, str, str, str, Any]] = {}
    ids_to_check: dict[str, str] = {}
    schemas_refs_to_check: dict[str, list[tuple[str, str, SchemaRef, str]]] = {}

    for check_type_id, checks in enumerate(integrity_checks):
        check_type = IntegrityCheck(check_type_id)
        if check_type in ignore_checks_set:
        for check_id, _, schema_id, field_name, field in checks:
            if check_id in check_errors:
            if check_type == IntegrityCheck.DEFINED_ID and field == "":  # id is not defined
                check_errors[check_id] = (check_type, table_name, field_name, schema_id, field)
            elif check_type == IntegrityCheck.UNIQUE_ID:
                if count_ids[schema_id] > 1:  # id is not unique
                    check_errors[check_id] = (check_type, table_name, field_name, schema_id, field)
                elif not checking_table:
                    ids_to_check[schema_id] = check_id
            elif check_type == IntegrityCheck.REF_NAME:
                field = cast(SchemaRef, field)
                if != "" and not in (
                    list(dataset.schema.schemas.keys()) + ["source"]
                ):  # ref name is not defined
                    check_errors[check_id] = (check_type, table_name, field_name, schema_id, field)
            elif check_type == IntegrityCheck.REF_TYPE:
                field = cast(SchemaRef, field)
                if == "":
                field_type = type(field)
                if is_view_ref(field_type):  # field is a view ref
                    field = cast(ViewRef, field)
                    if not in dataset.schema.groups[SchemaGroup.VIEW]:  # field name is not a view
                        check_errors[check_id] = (check_type, table_name, field_name, schema_id, field)
                elif is_annotation_ref(field_type):  # field is an annotation ref
                    field = cast(AnnotationRef, field)
                    if (
               not in dataset.schema.groups[SchemaGroup.ANNOTATION]
                    ):  # field name is not an annotation
                        check_errors[check_id] = (check_type, table_name, field_name, schema_id, field)
                elif is_embedding_ref(field_type):  # field is an embedding ref
                    field = cast(EmbeddingRef, field)
                    if (
               not in dataset.schema.groups[SchemaGroup.EMBEDDING]
                    ):  # field name is not an embedding
                        check_errors[check_id] = (check_type, table_name, field_name, schema_id, field)
                elif is_entity_ref(field_type):  # field is an entity ref
                    field = cast(EntityRef, field)
                    if not in dataset.schema.groups[SchemaGroup.ENTITY]:  # field name is not an entity
                        check_errors[check_id] = (check_type, table_name, field_name, schema_id, field)
                elif is_item_ref(field_type) or is_source_ref(field_type):
                    pass  # item_ref and source_ref are validated before.
            elif check_type == IntegrityCheck.REF_ID:  # ref id and ref item relation checked below
                field = cast(SchemaRef, field)
                if field_name == "":
                # If the field is empty, the reference is to the table itself so no need to check
                if == "":
                if not in schemas_refs_to_check:
                    schemas_refs_to_check[] = []
                schemas_refs_to_check[].append((check_id, schema_id, field, field_name))

    if not checking_table and not updating and len(ids_to_check) > 0:
        for id, found in dataset.find_ids_in_table(table_name, set(ids_to_check.keys())).items():
            if found:
                check_errors[ids_to_check[id]] = (IntegrityCheck.UNIQUE_ID, table_name, "id", id, id)

    if len(check_errors) == len(
        {check_id for check_id, *_ in integrity_checks[IntegrityCheck.REF_ID.value]}
    ):  # all checks failed, no need to check later checks that are costly
        return list(check_errors.values())

    for ref_schema_name, refs in schemas_refs_to_check.items():
        if ref_schema_name == "":
        ref_ids_to_check = { for check_id, _, field_ref, _ in refs if check_id not in check_errors}
        found_ref_ids = dataset.find_ids_in_table(ref_schema_name, ref_ids_to_check)
        for check_id, schema_id, field_ref, field_name in refs:
            if check_id in check_errors:
            if not found_ref_ids[]:
                check_errors[check_id] = (

    return list(check_errors.values())

get_integry_checks_from_schemas(schemas, table_name)

Get the integrity checks to perform on a table.


Name Type Description Default
schemas list[BaseSchema]

List of schemas to check.

table_name str

Table name.



Type Description
list[list[tuple[str, str, str, str, Any]]]

List of integrity checks to perform on the table. The checks are grouped by type.


Check id (unique identifier for the checks). It is used to avoid checking subsequent checks with the same id when an error is found.


Table name.


Schema id which is the id field value from the schema.


Field name to check.


Field value to check.

Source code in pixano/datasets/utils/
def get_integry_checks_from_schemas(
    schemas: list[BaseSchema], table_name: str
) -> list[list[tuple[str, str, str, str, Any]]]:
    """Get the integrity checks to perform on a table.

        schemas: List of schemas to check.
        table_name: Table name.

        List of integrity checks to perform on the table. The checks are grouped by type.
        - check_id: Check id (unique identifier for the checks). It is used to avoid checking subsequent checks with
            the same id when an error is found.
        - table: Table name.
        - schema_id: Schema id which is the id field value from the schema.
        - field_name: Field name to check.
        - field: Field value to check.
    checks: list[list[tuple[str, str, str, str, Any]]] = [[] for _ in IntegrityCheck]
    for schema in schemas:
        schema_id =
        check_id = shortuuid.uuid()
        checks[IntegrityCheck.DEFINED_ID.value].append((check_id, table_name, schema_id, "id", schema_id))
        checks[IntegrityCheck.UNIQUE_ID.value].append((check_id, table_name, schema_id, "id", schema_id))
        for field_name, field in schema.model_fields.items():
            if field_name == "id":
            if isinstance(field.annotation, GenericAlias):
            type_field = field.annotation
            if is_schema_ref(type_field):
                    (check_id, table_name, schema_id, field_name, getattr(schema, field_name))
                    (check_id, table_name, schema_id, field_name, getattr(schema, field_name))
                    (check_id, table_name, schema_id, field_name, getattr(schema, field_name))

    return checks

handle_integrity_errors(check_errors, raise_or_warn='raise')

Handle integrity check errors.


Name Type Description Default
check_errors list[tuple[IntegrityCheck, str, str, str, Any]]

List of errors.

raise_or_warn Literal['raise', 'warn']

If "raise", raise a ValueError with the errors. If "warn", warns a UserWarning with the errors.

Source code in pixano/datasets/utils/
def handle_integrity_errors(
    check_errors: list[tuple[IntegrityCheck, str, str, str, Any]],
    raise_or_warn: Literal["raise", "warn"] = "raise",
) -> None:
    """Handle integrity check errors.

        check_errors: List of errors.
        raise_or_warn: If "raise", raise a ValueError with the errors. If "warn", warns a UserWarning with the errors.
    if len(check_errors) == 0:
    message = "Integrity check errors:\n"
    for check_type, table_name, field_name, schema_id, field in check_errors:
        message += "- "
        if check_type == IntegrityCheck.DEFINED_ID:
            message += f"An id is not defined in table {table_name}.\n"
        elif check_type == IntegrityCheck.UNIQUE_ID:
            message += f"The id {schema_id} is not unique in table {table_name}.\n"
        elif check_type == IntegrityCheck.REF_NAME:
            message += f"The reference {field_name} from {schema_id} to the table {} does not exist.\n"
        elif check_type == IntegrityCheck.REF_TYPE:
            message += (
                f"The reference {field_name} from {schema_id} to the table {} is to an invalid type. "
                f"Got {type(field)}.\n"
        elif check_type == IntegrityCheck.REF_ID:
            message += (
                f"The reference {field_name} from {schema_id} to the table {} has an invalid id. Got "
    if raise_or_warn == "raise":
        raise DatasetIntegrityError(message)
        warnings.warn(message, category=UserWarning)