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Semantic Search


The Pixano's app support semantic search which allows a user to search for a view based on a text content.

To do that Pixano requires that the embeddings of the views are pre-computed with the model used for Semantic search. For now, we rely on the Embeddings functions from LanceDB.

Open-clip example

We will go through the process of semantic search based on the Open-clip model.

Pre-compute the embeddings

First, we need to pre-compute the embeddings using LanceDB and Pixano. We will use the Health Images dataset defined in the library tutorial.

  1. Install open-clip

For this tutorial, we will use open-clip embedding function and therefore need it to be installed.

pip install open_clip_torch
  1. Create the Image View Embedding table:
from pathlib import Path
from pixano.datasets import Dataset
from pixano.datasets.dataset_schema import SchemaRelation
from pixano.features import ViewEmbedding

lancedb_embedding_fn = "open-clip"
table_name = "emb_open-clip"

dataset = Dataset( # Load the dataset
    Path("./pixano_library/health_dataset"), media_dir=Path("./assets/")
embedding_schema = ViewEmbedding.create_schema( # Create the ViewEmbeddingSchema
    embedding_fn=lancedb_embedding_fn, # For LanceDB
dataset.create_table( # Create the table
    relation_item=SchemaRelation.ONE_TO_ONE, # Only one view per item

>>> LanceTable(connection=LanceDBConnection(.../pixano/docs/tutorials/pixano_library/health_dataset/db), name="emb_open-clip")

The pixano.features.ViewEmbedding's method create_schema create a schema that contains a LanceDB embedding function compatible with Pixano.

  1. Compute the embeddings

To compute the embeddings, Pixano needs to access the references to the views. Then, based on these information, it can use the LanceDB embedding function on the views.

import shortuuid

views = dataset.get_data(table_name="image", limit=100) # Get all views from the dataset's table "image".

data = [] # List of dictionnary of ViewEmbedding's model dump without the vector field.
for view in views:
            "id": shortuuid.uuid(),
            "item_ref": {
            "view_ref": { # Reference to the table "image"
                "name": "image",

dataset.compute_view_embeddings(table_name=table_name, data=data)
  1. Perform semantic search (Python API)

To perform semantic search, simply call the dataset's semantic_search method with the text query. It will return the items with the closest view semantically to the query and the distance.

query = "microscope"

dataset.semantic_search(query, table_name, limit=5, skip=0)

        Item(id='bFPEPGYaSmJGPakiaPctfF', ..., split='all', image_type='microscope'),
        Item(id='VkBcn4bhgt2RRJNWWjvDN5', ..., split='all', image_type='microscope'),
        Item(id='5XFPk5qwFL5xWhLHzGXLeV', ..., split='all', image_type='microscope'),
        Item(id='A7BXLwmXWRAypbqxd5KqzK', ..., split='all', image_type='peau'),
        Item(id='iyA4tHmGeHPP4N6diSuUXi', ..., split='all', image_type='microcope')
    [1.5589371919631958, 1.5611850023269653, 1.5707159042358398, 1.5987659692764282, 1.605470895767212]
  1. Use the REST API or the UI to browse through your items with semantic search.

You first need to launch the Pixano's app to interact with the UI or the REST API.

Then you can curl the REST API to navigate through your items:

curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:8000/browser/health_images?limit=5&skip=0&query=microscope&embedding_table=emb_open-clip' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

>>> {
  "id": "health_images",
  "name": "Health Images",
  "table_data": {
    "columns": [
        "name": "image",
        "type": "image"
        "name": "id",
        "type": "str"
        "name": "created_at",
        "type": "datetime"
        "name": "updated_at",
        "type": "datetime"
        "name": "split",
        "type": "str"
        "name": "image_type",
        "type": "str"
        "name": "distance",
        "type": "float"
    "rows": [
        "image": "",
        "id": "bFPEPGYaSmJGPakiaPctfF",
        "created_at": "2024-11-07T10:14:05.396010",
        "updated_at": "2024-11-07T10:14:05.396010",
        "split": "all",
        "image_type": "microscope",
        "distance": 1.5589371919631958
        "image": "",
        "id": "VkBcn4bhgt2RRJNWWjvDN5",
        "created_at": "2024-11-07T10:14:05.367159",
        "updated_at": "2024-11-07T10:14:05.367159",
        "split": "all",
        "image_type": "microscope",
        "distance": 1.5611850023269653
        "image": "",
        "id": "5XFPk5qwFL5xWhLHzGXLeV",
        "created_at": "2024-11-07T10:14:05.402816",
        "updated_at": "2024-11-07T10:14:05.402816",
        "split": "all",
        "image_type": "microscope",
        "distance": 1.5707159042358398
        "image": "",
        "id": "A7BXLwmXWRAypbqxd5KqzK",
        "created_at": "2024-11-07T10:14:05.409434",
        "updated_at": "2024-11-07T10:14:05.409434",
        "split": "all",
        "image_type": "peau",
        "distance": 1.5987659692764282
        "image": "",
        "id": "iyA4tHmGeHPP4N6diSuUXi",
        "created_at": "2024-11-07T10:14:05.363831",
        "updated_at": "2024-11-07T10:14:05.363831",
        "split": "all",
        "image_type": "microcope",
        "distance": 1.605470895767212
  "pagination": {
    "current_page": 0,
    "page_size": 5,
    "total_size": 11
  "semantic_search": [